Company performance teams to participate in the mass cultural performancesVietnam Maritime Corporation and won three full-Union
Company performance teams to participate in the mass cultural performancesVietnam Maritime Corporation and won three full-Union

 Celebrate the 15th anniversary of the establishment of the Vietnam Maritime Corporation Group (25/11/1996 - 25/11/2011); to create a fun atmosphere excitement, enhance exchange relationships, understandknow, unite and help each other in the course of business and life, improve the material life and spiritual collective of employees, the Vietnam Maritime Corporation held a public art once Corporationfourth in 2011 from 13 - 16/10/2011 at the Opera House in August, Hai Phong City. Festivals brought together 40 public art troupes of the member units Vietnam Maritime Corporation across the country.

Public performance teams Ocean Shipping Joint Stock Company of Vietnam has been established and trained on 13/9/2011 with 05 items to participate in the show. Close attention to direct and create favorable conditions both physical and spiritual leaders of the company and the trade union of the Company; along with increased efforts in training and the of the 15 actors in the team, for mass entertainment companies had shown their best on stage August Theatre on the morning of 15/10/2011 and has achieved the following results:
- 01 Gold Medal of the top men - what they post on the sea
- 03 silver medals: the top women - all on the local morning; Chengde male solo - all I am proud to O Canada; choir of men and women - all Vietnam silk flowers.
- Female solo 01 Honorable Lan Phuong - Do not post for me is the sea
- Winner of three unions at Festivals

Here are some photos at the show:


 Tốp ca nam - Điệu hò trên biển: Huy chương vàng


 Đơn ca nam Thành Đức - Ta tự hào đi lên ôi Việt Nam: Huy chương bạc


Tốp ca nữ - Buổi sáng trên đồng nội: Huy chương bạc


 Đơn ca nữ Lan Phương - Đừng ví em là biển: Giải khuyến khích


Hợp ca nam nữ - Việt Nam gấm hoa: Huy chương bạc



The leaders of the company to attend and encourage artistic team at the show.

Công ty cổ phần vận tải biển Việt Nam Vosco vận tải biển Việt Nam Vận tải Hải Phòng

Công ty cổ phần vận tải biển Việt Nam

Vietnam ocean shipping joint stock company

vận tải biển hàng đầu

vận tải biển uy tín, chất lượng

vận tải biển tàu hàng khô

vận tải biển tàu dầu

vận tải biển tàu container