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Some information on the World tanker market

U.S. gasoline stocks fell more than 6 million barrels compared to any time in the past five years.  This year, America's oil refineries to cut capacity due to the general slowdown of the market demand, and that does not reduce the gas production of the country's oil refineries but also reduce large volume of gasoline in the United States. Although the general requirements of gasoline has decreased but did not make much impact on oil shipping market Atlantic region. Amount of gasoline imported into the U.S. on par with demand after Hurricane Katrina, Rita and Wilma 3 years ago. According to the report of Gibsons (A corporation is headquartered energy in Canada), except for the second half of April, the volume of gas import desirably in the...   View more

Công ty cổ phần vận tải biển Việt Nam

Vietnam ocean shipping joint stock company

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vận tải biển tàu container